Blue Danube
12 years old, after a concert in California. My earliest recording
Jewel Song
From Faust opera (Gounoud). I was sixteen and sang this at the Hollywood Bowl auditions, which I won a Hubert Eaton Scholarship.
From Rigoletto (Verdi). I was seventeen with the Pacific Opera Company - San Francisco and Reno.
Aria trill
Final trill at the end of the Rigoletto aria (part of Gilda)
Vengeance Duet
With Charles Peck as Rigoletto. Henry Holt conducting at the Portland Opera Company.
Ye Now are Sorrowful
From the Brahms Requiem with the Tabernacle Choir in Salt Lake City. Pioneer Day program 1957.
Bless This House
May H. Brahe. This recording was at the dedication of the Los
Angeles Temple on March 15, 1956. I sang this at the Oakland Temple dedication as well as at the dedication of Cambridge Chapel in Massachusetts September 23, 1956.
Angeles Temple on March 15, 1956. I sang this at the Oakland Temple dedication as well as at the dedication of Cambridge Chapel in Massachusetts September 23, 1956.